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欧盟史上最严格的玩具标准(EU) 2021/867,拟更新法规协调标准
2021年5月31日,欧盟在其官方公报上发布(EU) 2021/867决议,拟修订欧盟玩具法规2009/48/EC的协调标准清单。新的协调标准清单如下:
No |
Reference of standard |
1 |
EN 71-1:2014+A1:2018 Safety of toys—Part 1:Mechanical and physical properties |
2 |
EN 71-2:2011+A1:2014 Safety of toys—Part 2:Flammability |
3 |
EN 71-3:2019 Safety of toys—Part 3:Migration of certain elements |
4 |
EN 71-4:2013 Safety of toys—Part 4:Experimental sets for chemistry and related activities |
5 |
EN 71-4:2015 Safety of toys—Part 5:Chemical toys ( sets ) other than experimental sets |
6 |
( New!! ) EN 71-7:2014+A3:2020 Safety of toys—Part 7:Finger paints—Requirements and test methods |
7 |
EN 71-8:2018 Safety of toys—Part 8:Activity toys for domestic use |
8 |
( New!! ) EN 71-12:2016 Safety of toys—Part 12:N-Nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances Informative note:The limit values in point a)of Table 2 of clause 4.2 of standard ‘EN 71-12:2016 Safety of toys—Part 12:N-Nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances’ are lower than the limit values to be complied with set in point 8 of part Ⅲ of Annex Ⅱ to Directive 2009/48/EC.In particular thos values are as follows: |
Substance |
Standard EN 71-12:2016 |
Directive 2009/48/EC |
N-nitrosamines |
0,01mg/kg |
0,05mg/kg |
N-nitrosatable |
0,1mg/kg |
1mg/kg |
9 |
EN 71-13:2014 Safety of toys—Part 13:Olfactory board games,cosmetic kits and gustative games |
10 |
EN 71-14:2018 Safety of toys—Part 14:Trampolines for domestic use |
11 |
( New!! ) EN IEC 62115:2020 Electric toys—Safety | EN IEC 62115:2020/A11:2020 |
No |
Reference of standard |
Date of withdrawal |
1 |
EN 71-7:2014+A2:2018 Safety of toys—Part 7:Finger paints—Requirements and test methods Note:For the allowed preservative climbazole ( entry 22 in Table B.1 of Annex B to this standard ) the presumption of confor mity applies up to a maximum allowed concentration of 0,2% ( not:0.5% ) .This is based on the ‘ADDENDUM to the Opinion on Climbazole ( P64 ) ref.SCCS/1506/13’ of the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety ( SCCS ) that was adopted after the publication of the standard by CEN. |
28 November 2021 |
2 |
EN 71-12:2013 Safety of toys—Part 12: N-Nitrosamines and N-nitrosatable substances |
28 November 2021 |
3 |
EN 62115:2005 Electric toys—Safety IEC 62115:2003 ( Modidied ) +A1:2004 EN 62115:2005/A11:2012/AC:2013 EN 62115:2005/A11:2012 EN 62115:2005/A12:2015 EN 62115:2005/A2:2011/AC:2011 EN 62115:2005/A2:2011 IEC 62115:2003/A2:2010 ( Modidied ) |
21 February 2022 |
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